Cookies Policy

This website uses cookies. By continuing to navigate on this website without changing your Internet browser's cookie settings, you agree to our use of cookies.

  1. We use cookies to better understand visitors' interaction with our content and to enhance the visitor experience with respect to our website.

  2. The Internet service TZMO collects information using so-called "cookies". Cookies are small text files that gather information about user preferences during the visit to the site. Cookies can be deleted or blocked by the user at any time using appropriate browser settings. We use cookies to personalize our website and improve its utility. Please note that we do not collect user's personal data through cookies.

  3. Cookies are used to:

    a) Customize the content of web pages to user preferences and optimize the use of the website;

    b) Generate statistics about visits to our website, which help us improve the structure and content of the site;

    c) Simplify user login so that they do not have to re-enter their username and password upon re-login.

  4. The following cookies are used within the framework of the website:

    a) Session cookies are temporarily stored on the computer while the visitor navigates through the website. These cookies are deleted when the user closes their Internet browser, logs out, or when the session expires.

    b) Persistent cookies remain stored on the visitor's computer until they are deleted.

    utma: a cookie stored by Google Analytics utmb: a cookie stored by Google Analytics utmc: a cookie stored by Google Analytics utmz: a cookie stored by Google Analytics Symfony: a cookie used by the CMS to identify the website visitor PHPSESSID: Cookie used by the server to identify the user on the site fbm: a cookie used by Facebook (login via Facebook account) fbsr: a cookie used by Facebook (login via Facebook account) first_entry: cookie used to determine if the user has seen the homepage in their calendar.

  5. You have the option in all web browsers to restrict or disable the use of cookies by adjusting the settings or options of your browser. The steps required may vary from browser to browser; you can find corresponding instructions in the help menu of your browser.

  6. Disabling cookies may result in limitations in the use of certain features of our website.

Click here to change your cookie settings.