
Almond Blossom in Mallorca

Mandelbäume blühen auf Mallorca schon ab Januar

Besides beaches and sun, the Mediterranean island of Mallorca has much more to offer, even beyond the summer season. Between January and March, the island shines in a pink and white blossom, which heralds the arrival of spring. Every year, the almond blossom is a natural spectacle that attracts many visitors to the island. With spring-like temperatures, you can spend your holiday hiking or cycling in the beautiful countryside and escape the cold winter at home.

Almond Blossom Time

Due to different microclimates on the island, the beginning of the flowering period depends on the region and weather conditions. The almond blossom only starts when the temperature reaches about 15 degrees. The warmer it is, the earlier the flowering period begins. The type of almond tree also plays an important role. There are around 120 of them on the island of Mallorca. In general, the almond blossom takes place from January to March. So if you want to be sure not to miss this natural spectacle when visiting the island, you should plan your trip for February. Since all almond trees never blossom at the same time, there is a very high chance that some of the varieties are already in flower and the flowering season of the others is beginning. The first trees bloom at the end of January in the south and east of the island. In the north of Mallorca and around the Tramuntana mountains, the flowering time starts a little later, usually at the end of February. In all regions there are trees with white blossoms, which belong to the sweet almond, and trees with pink blossoms, which come from the bitter almond. In total, the almond blossom lasts about 6 weeks.

Harvest of the Almonds

After the magnificent almond blossom in spring, the harvest follows in summer. For this, collecting nets are spread out under the trees. Traditionally, the almonds are then knocked off the tree with sticks. On larger almond plantations, technical equipment is often used. Small tractors grip the trees with a kind of pincer and shake them until the fruits fall off and land in the nets spread out beforehand. There they can be picked up and prepared for further processing.

History of the Almond in Mallorca

Has the almond always been part of Mallorca?

Contrary to what many believe, the almond tree has not always been a feature of the Majorcan landscape. It was not until the beginning of the 10th century that it was brought to the island by the Arabs from the Orient. At the beginning, however, the almond was not of great economic importance, because the most important economic pillar of the island at that time was the cultivation of wine.

After a phylloxera plague took away the livelihood of most of the winegrowers, an alternative had to be found. This is how almond cultivation came to be practised on a large scale from the 19th century onwards. The almond developed into an important export product and the island’s cuisine is still strongly influenced by almond products today.

In the middle of the 20th century, however, almond cultivation experienced a decline in importance. Almonds from California were cheaper, which is why cultivation on Mallorca declined due to falling demand and more and more almond orchards went fallow.

It was only in recent years that the Majorcan almond began to gain more importance again. As it has a much better aroma and a higher fat content than the almond from California, it is particularly tasty. It is ideal for making pastry specialties.

Tourism also offers almond cultivation a new opportunity. The magnificent almond blossom attracts a large number of tourists to the island every year, who not only want to marvel at the blaze of colours, but are also very interested in the almond products. These are also great souvenirs.

Meanwhile, many almond farmers have joined forces to make their production more effective. Some farms focus on organic cultivation. The Asociación para el Fomento de la Almendra Mallorquina created a quality brand, the Almendra Mallorquina, to guarantee the good quality of the regional product.

Today, there are still about four million almond trees on Mallorca. They grow particularly well on the edge of the Tramuntana mountains. Here, the protected location and the increased water supply due to natural springs provide the best growing conditions. Since 2008, however, a harmful fungus has made growing conditions more difficult. About 7000 tonnes of almonds are still produced and processed on the island every year.

Almond Products

One of the most famous products of the almond trees is the Turrón - a nice souvenir from your holiday.
Turrón is made of almonds and honey

One of the most famous products of the almond trees is the Turrón – a nice souvenir from your holiday.
The white nougat Turrón consists of almonds and honey.

The raw almond is suitable for the production of various valuable products.
Particularly popular are desserts such as the white almond nougat Turrón, which is especially in demand at Christmas time, or the popular almond cake Gató de Almendra.
Other classics are almond milk, various almond ice cream creations, almond pudding or the hearty Mallorcan almond cheese. The liqueur “Flor d’Amentella”, which scores with its fine almond aroma, is also particularly popular. Cosmetic products such as creams and soaps are also made from almonds.

The perfume, “Flor d’Ametler”, which is made from the Mallorcan almond blossom, was created in the finca at Cami Can Frontera in 1930 by Mallorcan chemist Bernardo Vallori. To this day, it is the only perfume with an almond blossom scent. It is produced by a small family business. As the production is very complex and can take several years, the number of fragrances sold is limited. The blossoms used come exclusively from trees on the island. The farm now also produces other products such as hand cream, almond oil and almond shampoo. A visit is definitely recommended.

Tips for Excursions at the Best Time to Visit

When is the best time to go on holiday during the almond blossom season?

A hike is the best way to see the almond trees during the almond blossom on your next holiday.

Mallorca is in low season during the almond blossom season, so there are many opportunities to explore the island and the almond blossom.

With average temperatures of around 15 to 16 degrees and only about 5 rainy days a month, the weather invites you to go cycling and hiking. Many roads, cycle paths and hiking trails lead to the best photo spots.

If you want to follow the almond blossom, it is best to start your route in the east. A popular route here, for example, leads from Son Servera via Sant Llorenç to Manacor.
Another region rich in blossoms is between Santanyi and Felanitx. Numerous plantations are located around Portocolom, but also in the west of the island.
A particularly popular route is via the Ma-1110 from Palma to Valldemossa. The blossoms can also be admired on the stretch between Llucmajor and Cala Pi.
Between the almond trees, you can also spot the odd sheep or black pig. These benefit most from the fallow almond groves, as they can pick up the almonds in the shade of the trees and crack them with their sharp teeth.
In the Tramuntana Mountains, the almond blossom begins later.
Almond trees can be found almost everywhere on Mallorca: in plantations, gardens or in the wild. Either way, the sight is a true spectacle of nature.

Another highlight around the almond blossom is the almond blossom festival Firó de la Flor d’Amtler, which always takes place on the first Sunday in February in Son Servera.
From around 9:30 a.m. until the afternoon, around 2:30 p.m., those interested will find stalls with almond products, such as natural cosmetics with almond oil or perfume. Around 12 noon, there is a performance of traditional Mallorcan folk dances that you should not miss.

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